Code of Conduct for Parents/Spectators, News (Oro Thunder Minor Hockey)

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Oct 10, 2024 | Communications | 718 views
Code of Conduct for Parents/Spectators
By the very nature of the game, hockey is physical and aggressive. When a game is as fast paced as hockey, it is often inevitable that situations on the ice will affect the emotions of the spectators watching in the stands. Hockey is meant to be an enjoyable, character-building experience for players and parents alike. But one reason players and parents leave the minor hockey system is disrespectful behaviour in the arena. We must remember that children learn best by example. When we show positive attitudes towards the game, other players, coaches, as well as referees, our children will benefit

With the season starting, we would like to ask all parents to read our Code of Conduct for Parents and Spectators and follow it at all times throughout the season.

Oro Minor Hockey Code of Conduct for Parents/Spectators

As the parent of a player, or as a spectator, I will:     

• Enroll my child for the pure enjoyment of the game and the opportunity to learn the skills of the sport.     
• Recognize that at a hockey rink, my child’s development is in the hands of volunteers who are giving their time and energy for the sake of all participants.     
• Respect the decisions of the Coaches, whether at practice, special events, or during a game     
• Conduct myself in an appropriate manner by being positive and encouraging to all players at all times.     
• Encourage my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility, profanity, verbal or physical violence.     
Never verbally abuse a Coach, Assistant, Manager, Trainer, or Referee. I will remember that they have difficult jobs and will not undermine them by contradicting, interfering, or questioning their character, motivation, or judgment in public. I will not engage in or encourage gossip. I will take concerns to the proper Association officials     
• Accept that I remain responsible, as a parent, for the safety of my child while he/she is participating in Association activities. I will therefore do my part to protect and enhance the safety of my child and others.     
Understand and accept that violation of this Code may result in disciplinary action of some kind up to and including revoking of membership and all rights associated with membership.

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