Jun 08, 2020 | HLankin | 3114 views
Bardown Fundraiser with Oro Minor Hockey
Oro Minor Hockey has partnered with Bardown Hockey for a unique fundraising opportunity for the Association
Here are the details:
- Bardown has created Oro Thunder "Puck the Virus" apparel including a hoodie, t-shirt, and mask.
- All orders are to be processed directly via the website linked below and will be shipped directly to you.
- Bardown will kick back to Oro Minor Hockey: $10 per hoodie, $5 per t-shirt and $4 per mask purchased via a special website linked below.
- The website store will be live 2 weeks starting today; deadline for orders is Sunday, June 21, 2020
- Orders are scheduled to be shipped approximately 2 weeks after our store closes
This is an excellent opportunity to support Oro Minor Hockey and get some great apparel too!
Oro Thunder "Puck the Virus" Bardown Store: https://www.orothunderfightscovid19.shopbardown.com/
We are continuing to take direction from the OHF and OMHA with respect to planning for the 2020-21 season. As an Association we need to seek out other fundraising opportunities to replace the funds we would have raised at the Oro World's Fair; funds raised impact the programing offered by Oro Minor Hockey and off-set the associated costs.