Zero Tolerance Policies (Oro Thunder Minor Hockey)

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Oro Minor Hockey Association (Oro MHA)

Zero Tolerance Policies
Effective 10/23/23


Respectful Behaviour

Oro Minor Hockey Association (Oro MHA) is committed to cultivating a safe and productive sports environment and a culture of respect. We expect the highest standards from our players, coaches, team officials, parents and volunteers at all times.

We take pride in being ambassadors for our organization and our community whenever we are at a rink — home or away.

We expect all our players and coaches to demonstrate respect for:

  • Themselves
  • Their teammates
  • Their coaches
  • Parents
  • Volunteers
  • The game and all of its rules
  • Opponents
  • Referees
  • Any facility we occupy, especially our arena
  • Our equipment (both personal and association equipment)
  • Guests in our arena
  • Our neighbours in the community.

Examples of respectful behaviour expected of Oro MHA members include (but are not limited to):

  • Players picking up garbage in the dressing rooms and being respectful towards arena staff
  • Players not complaining about penalty calls either verbally or via body language
  • Parents and players demonstrating moderation in celebrating goals in blowout games
  • Parents not cheering opposing team injuries
  • Coaches not yelling at or berating players or referees


Zero Tolerance

There is zero tolerance for drugs, alcohol, bullying, abuse or vandalism. Zero tolerance means that behaviour involving any of the above will not be tolerated at any event related to OMHA and will be immediately sanctioned.

Zero Tolerance Notification

Any occurrence must be immediately reported and the President of Oro MHA must be immediately advised should incidents occur involving drugs, alcohol, bullying, abuse or vandalism. See Reporting Procedures below.

Zero Tolerance for Bullying, Harassment and Abuse

Bullying, Harassment and Abuse: any player, team official, contractor, parent or volunteer caught or suspected of bullying, harassment or abuse of any member or guest of OMHA will be automatically suspended indefinitely pending review by the Oro MHA Board of Directors.

Any infraction may cause the Board to expel a player, team official, contractor, parent or volunteer from the association with no refund of fees or remuneration.

Oro MHA fully supports and enforces Respect in Sport and Zero Tolerance Policies:

  • All players must make a personal commitment to the principles of Fair Play, Respect and Integrity and are required to abide by the Player Code of Conduct available on our website: Policies_Procedures_and_Code_of_Conduct/
  • Oro MHA fully adopts zero tolerance of harassment and abuse in hockey both on and off the ice. Anyone involved in bullying, abuse or harassment will be suspended. This includes cyberbullying and misuse of social media.
  • All parents must make a personal commitment to the principals of Fair Play, Respect and Integrity and agree to respect all Association volunteers. Parents must follow all of the behavioural guidelines outlined in the Parent code of Conduct on our website:

Zero Tolerance for Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is the use of any electronic communication device to convey a message in any form (text, image, audio or video) that defames, intimidates, harasses of is otherwise intended to harm, insult or humiliate another in a deliberate, repeated or hostile and unwanted manner under a person’s true or false identity. In addition, any communication of this form that disputes or prevents a safe and positive environment may also be considered cyberbullying.

Any player, team official, contractor, parent or volunteer caught or suspected of cyberbullying of any member or guest of Oro MHA, including opposing teams, players, associations and leagues, will be automatically suspended indefinitely pending review by the Oro MHA Board of Directors.

Any infraction may cause the Board to expel a player, team official, contractor, parent or volunteer from the association with no refund of fees or remuneration.

Zero Tolerance for Alcohol, Vaping, Controlled Drugs and Substances

Oro MHA is unequivocally opposed to illegal drug and alcohol use and is sincere in its duty to uphold the laws of the land in which its members operate. Oro MHA is similarly unequivocally opposed to the use of banned and restricted substances for the purpose of performance enhancement.

There is NO tolerance for vaping, drugs and or/alcohol usage by Oro MHA Players.

1.      Vaping or smoking: any player caught or suspected of vaping or smoking of tobacco, cannabis, or any other combustible substance in or around our arena and opponent’s arenas or in any public facility frequented by the team will be automatically suspended for one game. Any subsequent infraction will cause the player to be suspended indefinitely pending a review by the Board.  The player may be expelled from the association with no refund of fees.

2.      Alcohol: any player caught or suspected of drinking alcohol in or around our arena and opponent’s arenas or in any public facility frequented by the team will be automatically suspended for one game. Any subsequent infraction will cause the player to be suspended indefinitely pending a review by the board.  The player may be expelled from the association with no refund of fees.

3.      Any player attending a team practice, event or game suspected of being under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or other drugs will be suspended indefinitely and possibly expelled from the Association without refund at the discretion of the Board.

Reporting Procedures


Any person witnessing the above contraventions has a duty to report.

Incidents involving players:

  • The Association President is informed of the incident.
  • The coach informs the parent of the incident and asks direction from the parent on the removal of the player from the coach’s care.
  • The coach has the authority to remove a player from team activities.
    Regardless of removal from activity, the coach continues supervisory duties until the player is released from the coach’s care by the parent or guardian.
  • The coach informs the authorities should the incident warrant criminal investigation.
  • The coach documents the incident.
  • The coach forwards this documentation for filing/action with the Association.
  • The coach ensures that reports and specific circumstances are kept within the parent and Association-constituted process. At no time are any proceedings made public.
  • One or more members of the coaching staff shall meet, as soon as practical, with the player and a parent to review the reasons for the removal from activity.
  • Suspension of the athlete is at the direction of the Association.
  • If the decision is to seek suspension, the coaching staff, as soon as practical, informs the player and a parent and refers the matter to the Association. Should this happen, the process follows the suspension procedure of the Association.
  • The incident may require action by the Ontario Minor Hockey Association or higher authority.