1. I hereby consent to disclosure, to the selection committee, of the above information.
2. I hereby agree to familiarize myself with the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) requirements for coaching minor hockey, and ensure that I have the required level of certification, including a Police Vulnerable Sector Check, prior to August 31, 2024.
3. I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the coach's role as outlined in the Coaches Code of Conduct, below, forming part of this coaching application form.
Code of Conduct for Coaches and Team Personnel
I understand that as a Coach (or Assistant, manager, trainer, etc.) I am in a position of trust and authority.
I will:
• Be reasonable when scheduling games and practices, remembering that players have other interests and
• Teach players to play fairly and to respect the rules, Officials, and their opponents
• Remember that players play to have fun and must be encouraged to have confidence in themselves
• Remember that participants need a Coach they can respect. I will be generous with praise and set a good
• Respect all participants, striving to be a responsible (Coach, Assistant, etc.). I recognize that I am in a position
of trust and power, and I will do nothing to take advantage of or abuse it
• I will do my best to be a competent (Coach), well prepared and adequately skilled. I will obtain proper training and will attempt to upgrade and improve my skills
• Fulfill my obligation and responsibility toward the team and the Association, as established by the Association,
to the best of my abilities
• Direct comments at an individual’s performance and not at the individual
• Not ridicule or yell at players for making mistakes or for performing poorly
• Take reasonable steps to see that equipment and facilities are safe and appropriate to my players
• Co-operate with the Officials and refrain from public criticism of them. I will respect the Officials
and their responsibilities to administer the rules of the game. I will respect the fact that the Official may have
a different point of view and I will put my concerns in writing and will send them to the proper individual for
• Learn the signs of harassment and abuse, and the process for responding to allegations or disclosures, and
comply with the Association’s safety guidelines, working to prevent physical, emotional/verbal, and sexual
harassment and abuse
• Communicate with my players and with their parents, regularly throughout the season, so that everyone is clear
about the rules and expectations, and so that we have a shared goal for the season
• Emphasize the importance of the Players’ and Parents’ Codes, and hold my team members and their parents
accountable for compliance
• Recognize and accept that violations of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary measures being taken
against me up to and including revoking of membership and all rights associated with membership