Right of Choice - Electing to Use Extension up until March 30, 2025 11:59 pm (Oro Thunder Minor Hockey)

Right of Choice - Electing to Use Extension up until March 30, 2025 11:59 pm
This form explains that your address appears to be eligible under the OMHA 3.4 Right of Choice policy. 3.4 Right of Choice a) A player resident in a defined Shared Area shall be given a choice of the named Home Centres for which they may play. b) With respect to Regulation 3.3d) for players resident in areas where there is no defined Centre or Shared Area, a player shall be given a choice of Home Centre when the difference in distance from or to their residence, over well- traveled roads, always measuring by the shortest possible route to the two (2) or more Centres concerned does not exceed eight (8) km, but will not be permitted to bypass a Centre to play for another Centre in the same general direction. The difference in distance shall always be determined by using the distance to the closest Centre for such calculation. The measurement shall always be from the main entrance of their residence to a location within such Centre(s) as designated with the OMHA. c) Having made their choice of Home Centre under Regulation 3.4a) or 3.4b) through registration, such player shall remain a member of the Centre with which they have registered until properly released by that Centre, or until the Regulations 105 Centre of which he is a resident operates a team for which they are eligible. d) A completed OMHA Right of Choice form must be uploaded to the player’s HCR profile prior to attending Evaluations for residency compliant programming.

By providing your name and email address and your child's information, you are agreeing that you are aware that your address appears to be eligible for you to fill out a 3.4 Right of Choice Form. You are choosing to use the extension granted by OMHA and you will submit this signed form by March 30, 2025 at 11:59 pm. Failure to submit this form by this date and time, will result in your player not being eligible to play representative/residentially restricted hockey with OMHA. You understand that we only provide the form and address distance comparisons collected and that this is an OMHA policy and the 3.4 form is sent to them for their approval and they update your child's Hockey Canada Profile to your chosen representative/residentially restricted Hockey Centre if approved.