Registration Process
1. Complete the online registration for all players in your family. Please complete all participants in one online session.
Required Documentation - must be submitted at time of registration
New Players to Oro Minor Hockey, including first year players are required to submit:
- A clear copy of your child's birth certificate (an electronic version)
- A copy of a parent's driver's license. (an electronic version)
New players can not be rostered to a team without the above documentation on file.
Returning Oro Minor Hockey players who have moved within the Township of Oro-Medonte in the past year are required to submit:
- A copy of a parent's drivers license (an electronic version)
- A copy of a utility bill showing the new address (an electronic version)
Please send an electronic version of the above required documents as an email attachment to [email protected] with the player's full name and date of birth. Documents need to be sent at time of registration.
Transferring Players
If your child is transferring from another minor hockey centre please email the registrar at [email protected] and provide the following information: player's full name, date of birth, centre you are transferring from and reason for the transfer.
New Players to Oro Minor Hockey
Parents with new players to Oro Minor Hockey, 9 years of age and older, are required to contact Oro Minor Hockey with registration information prior to completing online registration. Please email [email protected] with your name, player's name, player's date of birth and your phone number. The registrar will contact you to obtain additional information and let you know how to proceed with registering your child.
Online Registration - HCR