Code of Conduct (Oro Thunder Minor Hockey)

PrintCode of Conduct

This Code for Conduct identifies the standard of behaviour which is expected of all Oro Minor Hockey
Association (the “Association”) members and participants, which for the purpose of this policy shall
include all players, guardians, parents, coaches, officials, volunteers, directors, officers, committee
members, convenors, team managers, trainers, administrators and employees involved in Association
activities and events.

The Association is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with
respect. Members and participants of the Association shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner
consistent with its values, which include fairness, integrity and mutual respect.

During the course of Association activities and events, members shall avoid behavior that will bring the
Association into disrepute, including but not limited to the abusive use of alcohol, the use of non-medical
drugs and the use of alcohol by minors.

Association members and participants shall at all times adhere to the Association’s policies and procedures
(as well as those of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (the “OMHA”)), to the rules and regulations
governing Association events and activities, and to the rules and regulations governing any competitions in
which the member participates on behalf of the Association.

Members and participants of the Association shall not engage in any activity or behaviour which interferes
with a competition or with any player’s or team’s preparation for a competition, or which endangers the
safety of others.

Members of the Association shall refrain from comments or behaviours which are disrespectful, offensive,
abusive, racist or sexist. In particular, behaviour, which constitutes harassment or abuse will not be
tolerated, and will be dealt with under the OMHA Harassment and Abuse Policy.

Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the
Discipline Policy of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association. Such action may result in the member losing
the privileges, which come with membership in the Oro Minor Hockey Association, including the
opportunity to participate in Association activities and events, both present and future.

Specifically, the Association and its Board of Directors will:

      • Do their best to see that all children are given the same chance to participate, regardless of
         gender, ability, ethnic background, or race
      • Make sure that all prudent, reasonable, appropriate and necessary measures are taken on an
         ongoing basis to protect the safety of all members wherever Association activities take place
      • Make sure that winning is kept in proper perspective
      • Appropriately and thoroughly screen all those who provide service on behalf of the Association,
         both before and after they are involved, seeking to have Coaches and Officials who are capable of
         promoting fair play as well as the development of good technical skills
      • Distribute, publicize, promote, and enforce the Codes of Conduct within the Association

Code of Conduct for Players

As a player, I will:

      • Make a commitment to my team by attending all practices, games, meetings, and special events,
         and by playing to the best of my ability
      • Respect my Coaches at all times. I will remember that my Coaches are providing me with the
         opportunity to learn and to play the game of hockey
      • Respect the safety of other players by playing the game within the rules at all times
      • Respect the Officials and their decisions at all times
      • Accept disciplinary action if I violate the rules or spirit of the game

Code of Conduct for Parents/Spectators

As the parent of a player, or as a spectator, I will:

      • Enroll my child for the pure enjoyment of the game and the opportunity to learn the skills of the
      • Recognize that at a hockey rink, my child’s development is in the hands of volunteers who are
         giving their time and energy for the sake of all participants
      • Respect the decisions of the Coaches, whether at practice, special events, or during a game
      • Conduct myself in an appropriate manner by being positive and encouraging to all players at all
      • Encourage my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility,
         profanity, verbal or physical violence
      • Never verbally abuse a Coach, Assistant, Manager, Trainer, or Official. I will remember that
         they have difficult jobs and will not undermine them by contradicting, interfering, or questioning
         their character, motivation, or judgment in public. I will not engage in or encourage gossip. I
         will take concerns to the proper Association officials
      • Accept that I remain responsible, as a parent, for the safety of my child while he/she is
        participating in Association activities. I will therefore do my part to protect and enhance the
        safety of my child and others
      • Understand and accept that violation of this Code may result in disciplinary action of some kind
         up to and including revoking of membership and all rights associated with membership

Code of Conduct for Coaches and Team Personnel

I understand that as a Coach (or Assistant, manager, trainer, etc.) I am in a position of trust and authority. I

       • Be reasonable when scheduling games and practices, remembering that players have other
          interests and obligations
       • Teach players to play fairly and to respect the rules, Officials, and their opponents
       • Remember that players play to have fun and must be encouraged to have confidence in
       • Remember that participants need a Coach they can respect. I will be generous with praise and set
         a good example
       • Respect all participants, striving to be a responsible (Coach, Assistant, etc.). I recognize that I am
         in a position of trust and power, and I will do nothing to take advantage of or abuse it
       • I will do my best to be a competent (Coach), well prepared and adequately skilled. I will obtain
         proper training and will attempt to upgrade and improve my skills
       • Fulfill my obligation and responsibility toward the team and the Association, as established by the
         Association, to the best of my abilities
       • Direct comments at an individual’s performance and not at the individual
       • Not ridicule or yell at players for making mistakes or for performing poorly
       • Take reasonable steps to see that equipment and facilities are safe and appropriate to my players
       • Co-operate with the Officials and refrain from public criticism of them. I will respect the Officials
          and their responsibilities to administer the rules of the game. I will respect the fact that the
         Official may have a different point of view and I will put my concerns in writing and will send
         them to the proper individual for consideration
       • Learn the signs of harassment and abuse, and the process for responding to allegations or
         disclosures, and comply with the Association’s safety guidelines, working to prevent physical,
         emotional/verbal, and sexual harassment and abuse
      • Communicate with my players and with their parents, regularly throughout the season, so that
         everyone is clear about the rules and expectations, and so that we have a shared goal for the
      • Emphasize the importance of the Players’ and Parents’ Codes, and hold my team members and
         their parents accountable for compliance
      • Recognize and accept that violations of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary measures
        being taken against me up to and including revoking of membership and all rights associated with

Code of Conduct for Officials

As an Association Official, I will:

       • Recognize that my position is one of a teacher and role model for fair play, especially where
         young children are concerned. I will strive to honor that role and not to abuse my position in any
       • Strive to see that every player has a reasonable opportunity to perform to the best of his or her
         ability, within the limits of the rules
       • Work in cooperation with Coaches for the benefit of the game, and be open to discussion,
          constructive criticism, and will respect and consider different points of view
       • Take all reasonable measures to avoid or put an end to any situation that threatens the safety of
          players, team, team Officials, or spectators
       • Seek to maintain a healthy atmosphere and environment for competition
       • Not permit players to be intimidated by word or action. I will not tolerate unacceptable conduct
          toward myself, other Officials, players, team personnel, or spectators
       • Strive to be consistent and objective in making my calls, regardless of the personal feelings I may
          have toward a player or team
       • Strive to handle all conflicts firmly and with dignity