The Appeals Committee of the Board of Directors of the Association hears and renders decisions on appeals
submitted by Association members in regards to decisions made by the Board of Directors of the Association.
The Appeals Committee may hear legitimate complaints about the actions of board members. The
complaint must be specified in writing outlining the reasons. All members must follow the proper process
as set out in the Rules of Procedure. No member will be permitted to circumvent the process by going
directly to the Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee will determine whether the complaint will be
Each officially convened Appeals Committee will, for the purpose of the hearing, have a triad as its official
participants. They will be the appellant (i.e. parent, player), the designated spokesperson for the Board or
Committee whose decision is being appealed; and the members of the Appeals Committee. All other
persons who are present will not be deemed to have official standing and may speak only with the
permission of the Chairperson.
At each hearing, the Chairperson will endeavour to have business conducted in the following sequence:
• Call to Order
• Introduction of Committee Members
• Introduction of Designated Spokespersons
• Appellant's presentation
• Presentation on behalf of the Board or Committee whose decision is being appealed
• Committee members’ questions to the presenters
• Rebuttal opportunities for the presenters, followed by summary statements
• Adjournment, followed by the private discussions required for the Committee members to render
a decision. The Appeals Committee has full authority to make decisions based on the case before
The decision of the Appeal Committee shall be in writing.
Decisions of the Appeals Committee may be appealed to OMHA.