Dec 30, 2013 | jmcgrady | 1599 views
Thunder Win again!
It was the 1st game after Christmas, and all through the arena. Not a Eagle was screaming, not even the parents. The Goals were shot from point with Care. In hope that tip-ins would go in there net. The team was all nestled, all snug on the bench, while visions of hockey danced in there heads.
And Coach Randy in kerchief and Pete in his cap. Had just settled down for a big time snap shot. When out on the ice they heard such a noise. They sprung from the bench to see what had just happened with poise. When out from the corner it came to a surprise, Dustin had 3 goals, what a wonderful delight. Shawn had 3 goals, but got a lump of coal. Jaymen and Michael and Blake got some good gifts to share, they all had a goal. At the end the game they said with happiness "Happy Victory to all, and to all a good night".