With the Holiday season upon us, the U13 Rep team is
working to give back to those less fortunate in the community by hosting a food drive in support of The Sharing Place Food Centre in Orillia.
Date and Drop-off:
We will be placing a bin for donations at the arena as of Monday Dec 13th up until Saturday Dec 18th
Collection of items will take place on December 18th at the Oro Community Centre. Team volunteers will deliver all items to The Sharing Place Food Centre the week of Monday Dec 20th.
If any other Oro teams wish to contribute with monetary or food donations, please email Kim McCue at [email protected].
Items needed:
- Ground Coffee (not instant)
- Large Peanut Butter - 1 kg
- Pasta Sauce and Pasta
- Whole Grain Cereal
- Oatmeal
- Canned Tomatoes
- Canned Soup
- Canned Meat and Fish
- Boxed Potatoes (mashed or scalloped)
- Canned Vegetables/Fruit
- Canned Pork and Beans
- Paper products (toilet paper)
- ***Monetary*****