Nov 24, 2023 | Communications | 1580 views
Pilot Amalgamation Vote Results and Q&A
Q & A Document - Click HereThunder and Terriers Families,
The respective Boards of Oro and Orillia Minor Hockey would like to thank everyone who attended the Information sessions regarding amalgamation. We appreciate you taking the time to come listen to our presentation and asking engaging questions.
We are pleased to announce that both associations voted in favour of continuing down the path towards amalgamation. As a result, there is a significant amount of work required in a short period of time. As we move forward, we will do our best to keep the membership of each association up to date, please refer to the association websites for information. Our goal is to host follow-up information sessions starting in the new year, dates will be posted online as well as communicated via email blasts.
We would also like to thank the volunteers for their time and effort in tirelessly working behind the scenes to move this forward! Regards,
Scott Bjaanes Steve Fagan
President President
Oro Minor Hockey Orillia Minor Hockey